SEC Codes

The check_secCode field specifies the authorization method for the transaction. Possible values:

nARC: account receivable conversion—supports the conversion of checks received via U.S. mail into a merchant’s unattended lock box. This value is used only by Paymentech. Contact your Paymentech representative to ensure that your address city field has been set up.

nCCD: corporate cash disbursement—a charge or credit against a business checking account. You can use one-time or recurring CCD transactions to transfer funds to or from a corporate entity. A standing authorization is required for recurring transactions. For Cybersource ACH Service, CCD is the default for ecCreditService if no value is set for check_secCode.

nPOP: point of purchase conversion—supports single entry debits used at the point of purchase. This value is used only by Paymentech. Contact your Paymentech representative to ensure that your address city field has been set up. If you submit check_secCode with a value of POP, we strongly recommend that you also submit check_terminalCity and checkTerminal_State. If you submit check_terminalCity and checkTerminal_State in a transaction and you wish to perform a follow-on transaction, you must resubmit them with the follow-on transaction. For more information, see Request Fields.

nPPD: prearranged payment and deposit entry—a charge or credit against a personal checking or savings account. You can originate a PPD entry only when the payment and deposit terms between you and the customer are prearranged. A written authorization from the customer is required for one-time transactions, and a written standing authorization is required for recurring transactions. For Cybersource ACH Service, PPD is the default for ecDebitService if no value is set for check_secCode.

nTEL: telephone-initiated entry—a one-time charge against a personal checking or savings account. You can originate a TEL entry only when there is a business relationship between you and the customer or when the customer initiates a telephone call to you. For a TEL entry, you must obtain a payment authorization from the customer over the telephone. Only the Cybersource ACH processor supports recurring telephone-initiated debits and credits. For Cybersource ACH Service, if the E-commerce Indicator for the Virtual Terminal is MOTO, the value of check_secCode will default to TEL.

nWEB: internet-initiated entry—a charge against a personal checking or savings account. You can originate a one-time or recurring WEB entry when the customer initiates the transaction over the Internet. For a WEB entry, you must obtain payment authorization from the customer over the Internet. For Cybersource ACH Service, if the e-commerce indicator for the Virtual Terminal is not set to MOTO, then the value of check_secCode will default to WEB.