Optional Features

Corporate Checks

Set check_accountType to X to indicate that the check is a corporate check.




nChase Paymentech Solutions

nCybersource ACH Service

nRBS WorldPay Atlanta


To process corporate checks with TeleCheck, include one of these fields in your debit request:

nbillTo_driversLicenseNumber and billTo_driversLicenseState


Deferred and Partial Payments





nChase Paymentech Solutions—debit only.



nDeferred payment—if there is a delay between the time you take the order and the time you ship the product, you need to defer your payment request.

nPartial payment—if a customer orders multiple products but you ship them separately on different dates, you need to perform multiple partial payments as you ship the products.

Chase Paymentech Solutions

To request a deferred or partial payment:

Step 1For the first debit request, set ecDebitService_paymentMode to 1 to indicate that the debit uses deferred payment and full payment. If you do not, partial payments will occur later. The default value of 0 indicates a normal debit with immediate payment.

Step 2When you are ready to process a payment, whether it is for the full amount or a partial amount, send another debit request with ecDebitService_paymentMode set to 2 to indicate that you are triggering a payment.

Step 3Repeat Step 2 for each partial payment for the order.



To request a deferred or partial payment:

Step 1For the first debit request, set the value of the ecDebitService_paymentMode field to 1 to indicate that the debit uses deferred payment and full payment. If you do not, partial payments will occur later. The default value of 0 indicates a normal debit with immediate payment. Including the ecDebitService_referenceNumber field in the request is optional.

Step 2When you are ready to process a payment, whether it is for the full amount or a partial amount, send another debit request and do the following:

nSet the value of the ecDebitService_paymentMode field to 2 to indicate that you are triggering a payment.

nSet the value of the ecDebitService_debitRequestID field to the same value as the ecDebitService_debitRequestID field that you received from the original debit request in Step 1.

Step 3Repeat Step 2 for each partial payment for the order.

Step 4For a credit request, set the value of the ecCreditService_debitRequestID field to the value contained in the ecDebitService_debitRequestID field that you received from the debit request in Step 2. This value is used to complete the follow-on capture of the initial request.


Merchant Descriptors





nChase Paymentech Solutions

nCybersource ACH Service

nRBS WorldPay Atlanta

You can provide a merchant descriptor that will be displayed on the customer’s bank account statement. The descriptor includes your company’s name and a description of the product or service that was purchased.

The merchant descriptor field overrides the corresponding value in your Cybersource account. If you do not include this field in the request, Cybersource uses the company name from your merchant account.

Before sending a merchant descriptor with a debit or credit request, check with your processor to find out if you need to register your merchant descriptor information with them.

The invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptor field requires a particular format:

nCharacters 1-15: name of your company. If the name is fewer than 15 characters, use spaces to fill in the full 15 characters. If the name is more than 15 characters, provide only the first 15 characters of the name.

nCharacters 16-25: description of the product or service.


If you use more than one consecutive space, extra spaces will be removed.

Multiple Partial Credits




nRBS WorldPay Atlanta


When you perform multiple partial credits:

nThe amount of each individual credit cannot exceed the debit amount.

nThe total amount of all the credits cannot exceed the debit amount.

In your follow-on credit request, use the ID returned in the ecDebitService_debitRequestID field. Do not use the ecCreditService_debitRequestID from a previous partial credit. For each partial credit, set the ecCreditService_partialPaymentID field to a value of your choice that is unique within the scope of the order. The processor uses the payment IDs to identify the credits that are related to an order.

If you performed partial payments for this order, you specified a unique value for the ecDebitService_partialPaymentID field for each payment. You cannot reuse any of those values for the order’s partial credits. For example, if you used 1 and 2 for the partial payments, you must use different values, such as 3 and 4, for the partial credits.

Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Service




nCybersource ACH Service

A non-sufficient funds (NSF) return occurs when the customer’s bank account does not have sufficient funds to cover a specific electronic check transaction. Cybersource does not automatically resubmit charges returned from a customer’s bank due to NSF. You can resubmit transactions returned as NSF one or two additional times for a total of three submissions. Continued attempts after this point may result in a fine and possible sanctions from the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA).

Contact your ODFI to enable the NSF service at your bank.

Token Management Service





nChase Paymentech Solutions

nCybersource ACH Service

nRBS WorldPay Atlanta


Token Management Service (TMS) replaces Payment Tokenization. TMS enables you to:

nTokenize customers’ sensitive personal information.

nEliminate payment data from your order management system to ensure that it is not compromised during a security breach.

When you use TMS, you can process a debit or credit by using information that is associated with a customer token. The customer token is used to reference customer information in the database. Instead of providing all the information that is normally required for a transaction, you only need to provide the following values:

nMerchant ID

nMerchant reference code

nAmount of the payment or credit

nSubscription ID

You can override most of the information associated with the customer token by including the relevant API fields in the debit or credit request. For example, you could provide a different billing or shipping address in the request. You cannot override the account number.

For complete information about TMS, see Token Management Service Using the Simple Order API.

Recurring Billing





nChase Paymentech Solutions

nCybersource ACH Service

lRecurring debits and credits for telephone-initiated orders are supported. The
check_secCode must be TEL for personal accounts and CCD for corporate accounts.

nRBS WorldPay Atlanta


If you are using Recurring Billing, you can process a debit or credit by using information that is stored in a subscription. Cybersource uses the subscription ID to reference the subscription information in the Cybersource database. Instead of providing all the information that is normally required for a transaction, you need to provide only the following values:

nMerchant ID

nMerchant reference code

nAmount of the payment or credit

nSubscription ID

You can override most of the information stored in the subscription by including the relevant API fields in the debit or credit request. For example, you could provide a different billing or shipping address in the request. You cannot override the account number.

For complete information about Recurring Billing, see Recurring Billing Using the Simple Order API.

Settlement Delivery Methods





nChase Paymentech Solutions

You must specify a default method for delivering settlements to and receiving them from the customer’s bank. For debits, you can use the ecDebitService_settlementMethod field to override the default method for a single transaction. For credits, you can use the ecCreditService_settlementMethod field to override the default method for a single transaction.

The following delivery methods are available:

nAutomated Clearing House (ACH) for U.S. accounts:

The transaction is deposited through the ACH. If the check fails the validation or verification process, the transaction is rejected.

nFacsimile draft:

The transaction is deposited as a facsimile draft. Use this method when the issuing bank is not an ACH member.

nBest possible:

The transaction is deposited through the ACH system unless the customer’s bank is not an ACH participant, in which case, a facsimile draft is created and deposited on your behalf.