Order Tracking

See Getting Started with CyberSource Essentials for information about order tracking. This section provides the names of the API fields that are used for order tracking for the electronic check services.

Request IDs

For all Cybersource services, the request ID is returned in the reply messages in requestID. The following table lists the field names for the request IDs in request messages.

Table 3Field Names for Request IDs in Request Messages


Request ID Field

Electronic check credit


Electronic check debit




Reconciliation IDs

The following table lists the field names for the reconciliation IDs, which are returned in the reply messages.

Table 4Field Names for Reconciliation IDs


Reconciliation ID Field Name

Electronic check debit


Electronic check credit


Check Reference Numbers

The information in this section applies to all processors except Wells Fargo ACH. For Wells Fargo ACH, Cybersource generates a unique transaction identifier.

The check reference number is a value you can send in a request to track transactions through to the processor for reconciliation. If you do not include this field in your request, Cybersource generates a unique value for you and returns it in the reply message.

The following table lists the field names for the check reference numbers in request and reply messages.

Table 5Field Names for Check Reference Numbers


Check Reference Number Field Name in Requests

Check Reference Number Field Name in Replies1

Electronic check debit



Electronic check credit



1   The reply fields for the check reference numbers are the same as the reconciliation ID fields.

Processor Transaction Identifiers

The information in this section applies to all processors except Wells Fargo ACH. For Wells Fargo ACH, Cybersource generates a unique transaction identifier.

The processor transaction identifier is a value assigned by the processor that you can use for reconciliation. The following table lists the field names for the processor transaction identifiers, which are returned in the reply messages.

Table 6Field Names for Processor Transaction Identifiers


Processor Transaction Identifier Field Name

Electronic check debit1


Electronic check credit2


1   Not supported for Chase Paymentech Solutions.

2   Not supported for Chase Paymentech Solutions and TeleCheck.