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Appendix B

Hotlist File Format

This appendix describes the format of a Risk Manager hotlist file. Hotlist files are Extended Markup Language (XML) documents. You can export files from a Decision Server or import files into a Decision Server.

XML Conventions

This chapter uses the following conventions to describe the syntax of each XML element:

<Sample Attribute=CDATA> 

Table 12 Conventions for XML Syntax 
Parent of the following elements.
Name of the attribute, followed by the XML data format for the attribute.
Required element. Must appear only once.
Element with one or more children.
Optional element. Can appear once or be omitted.
Required element. Can appear one or more times.

Data Types and Lengths

Each field in a hotlist file is an alphanumeric string containing letters, numbers, and special characters (for example, @, #, and %). Each field uses the same character set as your Decision Server database.

The data lengths indicate the maximum length of each field.

Hotlist Files

A hotlist file contains entries from a Decision Server's positive and negative hotlists. Each entry indicates which business it is associated with.


The <hotlist> element is the root element of the hotlist file. It contains the hotlist entries.


Table 13 Child Elements of <hotlist> 
Element Name
Information about a hotlist entry. See <entry> for a list of child elements and attributes.

Example  <hotlist> Element


  <entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="Address">





The <entry> element contains information about a hotlist entry. The list_name attribute indicates which hotlist the entry is associated with. The child element or elements of the <entry> element include the data that is on the hotlist.

Each business on the Decision Server uses its own hotlist. The business attribute indicates which business each hotlist entry is associated with.

<entry business=CDATA list_name=CDATA> 

Table 14 Attributes of <entry> 
Attribute Name
Data Type and Length
Name of the business with which this entry is associated.
Alphanumeric (25)
Name of the hotlist with which this entry is associated. This attribute can contain one of the following values:
  • Address: Negative hotlist of street addresses
  • CCList: Negative hotlist of credit card numbers
  • Email: Negative hotlist of email addresses
  • Phone: Negative hotlist of phone numbers
  • pos_Address: Positive hotlist of street addresses
  • pos_CCList: Positive hotlist of credit card numbers
  • pos_Email: Positive hotlist of email addresses
  • pos_Phone: Positive hotlist of phone numbers
Alphanumeric (25)

Table 15 Child Elements of <entry> 
Element Name
Data Type and Length
Email address.
Alphanumeric (100)
Phone number.
Alphanumeric (15)
Credit card number.
Alphanumeric (50)
First line of the billing or shipping address. If the hotlist entry includes the <address1> element, it must also include the <zip> element.
Alphanumeric (60)
Postal code of the billing or shipping address. If the hotlist entry includes the <zip> element, it must also include the <address1> element.
Alphanumeric (10)

Example  Email Address on the Negative Hotlist

The following example shows a hotlist entry for an email address on the negative hotlist. This entry is for the business MyBusiness.

<entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="Email"> 

Example  Credit Card Number on the Positive Hotlist

The following example shows a hotlist entry for a credit card number on the positive hotlist. This entry is for the business TestStore.

<entry business="TestStore" list_name="pos_CCList"> 

Example  Street Address on the Negative Hotlist

The following example shows a hotlist entry for a street address on the negative hotlist. This entry is for the business MyBusiness.

<entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="Address"> 
  <address1>123 Fake St.</address1> 

Sample Hotlist File

The following example shows a Risk Manager hotlist file that includes one entry for each positive and negative hotlist. All of the entries in this hotlist file are for the business MyBusiness.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
  <entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="Address"> 
    <address1>123 Fake St.</address1> 
  <entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="CCList"> 
  <entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="Email"> 
  <entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="Phone"> 
  <entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="pos_Address"> 
    <address1>123 Real Ln.</address1> 
  <entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="pos_CCList"> 
  <entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="pos_Email"> 
  <entry business="MyBusiness" list_name="pos_Phone"> 

Hotlist File DTD

The following document type definition (DTD) describes a Risk Manager hotlist file.

<!ELEMENT hotlist (entry+)> 
<!ELEMENT entry (email?, phone_number?, account_number?, address1?, 
<!ATTLIST entry business CDATA #REQUIRED 
          list_name (Address | CCList | Email | Phone | pos_Address |  
                     pos_CCList | pos_Email | pos_Phone) #REQUIRED 
<!ELEMENT account_number (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT address1 (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT phone_number (#PCDATA)> 

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