FDC Nashville Global: Level II and Level III : Order-Level Fields

Order-Level Fields
Important Starting May 1, 2012: Due to the limited functionality of the invoiceHeader_supplierOrder
Reference field, CyberSource recommends that you use the item-level field item_#_productName instead. Include only one of these fields in a request; including both fields could result in an error.
Value used by your customer to identify the order. This value is typically a purchase order number. You must provide a value in this field or in the merchantReferenceCode field. CyberSource recommends that you do not populate this field with all zeros or nines.
Amount of all taxes, excluding the local tax (item_#_taxAmount) and national tax (item_#_nationalTax) included in the total tax.
Flag that indicates whether the alternate tax amount (otherTax_alternateTaxAmount) is included in the request. Possible values:
0: alternate tax amount is not included in the request.
1: alternate tax amount is included in the request.
Example 12345-6789
Example A1B 2C4
Note If you include the shipTo_country field in a request and if the ship-to country is the U.S. or Canada, the request must also include the shipTo_state field.
Visa (R if purchase
is included; otherwise, recommended for best rate)
Example 12345-6789
Example A1B 2C3
This value is the same as the value for shipFrom_postalCode when your customer takes possession of the items at your location.
This field must be included in a request if the shipTo_country field is included and the ship-to country is the U.S. or Canada.