Requesting Export Compliance

To request Export Compliance, set the exportService_run field to true. For a list of the fields to use when you request the service, see Request and Reply Examples.

Do not request the following services at the same time that you request Export Compliance:

nAuthorization Reversal (ccAuthReversalService). For more information about this service, see Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API (PDF | HTML).

nRisk Update (riskUpdateService). For more information about this service, see the Decision Manager Developer Guide Using the Simple Order API (PDF | HTML).

To list the allowed and disallowed countries for each offer, use the fields item_#_export and item_#_noExport.


Users can optionally send in an IP address, and Export Compliance can verify the IP country against the lists selected.

Handling the Results of Denied Parties List Checks

Countries with which U.S. trade is restricted are automatically checked during denied parties checks. You can also check other government agency lists as best fits your business needs. See the exportService_sanctionsLists request field and Restricted and Denied Parties List for further details.

If a customer’s name and address strongly correlates with an entry in a Denied Parties List (DPL), the following information is returned in the reply from Cybersource:

nReason code 700

Because you always receive this flag for blocked countries, all customers from these countries receive this reason code.

nReply fields starting with the deniedPartiesMatch_ prefix describe the denied parties check correlation in more detail. You can receive an unlimited number of matches to names, addresses, and programs within the lists.


The denied parties lists are watch lists that are maintained by government entities, such as the U.S. Treasury Department or the Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The following example shows a reply in which the order data matched two denied parties lists:

nIn the first list (Match_0), the order matched 3 sub lists: programs 1, 2, and 3.

nIn the second list (Match_1), the order matched 2 sub lists: programs 1 and 2.

Example 4Denied Parties List Check Reply Example

deniedPartiesMatch_0_list=Bureau Of Industry and Security




deniedPartiesMatch_1_list=Office of Foreign Assets Control



If you use Decision Manager, your custom rules that use Export match program as the order element return all result values delimited with carets (^) in the deniedPartiesMatch_N_program_N field. In the preceding example, the values are:


The complete matched data is also available in the Case Details window.

Excluding Export Compliance Results

You can allow processing to continue regardless of the Export Compliance results by using the businessRules_ignoreExportResult request field. If you use this field, be sure to review all orders that fail Export Compliance.

When a transaction is declined by the DPL check or the export service, reason code 100 is returned for the transaction. In addition, the exportReply_infoCode field is returned containing one or more information codes. Other services in the request are processed normally.


If you use Decision Manager, you can create custom rules and profile selector rules that use the information codes that you receive from Export Compliance. These rules enable you to route different types of orders to specific review queues in your order management system. If you subscribe to Enhanced Case Management and want to view the export information results in the Case Details window of the Business Center, you must use the businessRules_ignoreExportResult field.

Example 5Request and Reply Example that Uses the businessRules_ignoreExportResult Field

The following request example shows the international data that is used by Export Compliance and the use of the businessRules_ignoreExportResult field:

billTo_street1=26 JALAN MT. ERSKINE





shipTo_street1=26 JALAN MT. ERSKINE



The following reply shows that Export Compliance was processed successfully (reasonCode=100). However, three information codes were returned for the shipping address, the host name, and the Denied Parties List check:



deniedPartiesMatch_0_address_0=26 JALAN MT. 1 ERSKINE,PENANG, MY,

deniedPartiesMatch_0_list=Bureau Of Industry and Security




Configuring Denied Parties List Matches

By default, Export Compliance searches for an exact match between a DPL and the information in the request. However, you can adjust the parameters that control what is required for a match by using the following order elements:


Export Compliance requires at least the name of the customer or the company name.


You can search by name and address. Provide as much information as possible to reduce the number of false positives returned in the results.

A false positive result occurs when a DPL contains information that is common to several individuals. For example, many people have the same first name, the same last name, or even the same first and last name. However, it is unlikely that individuals have the same first name, last name, company name, and address, especially if all of the information is complete.

Adjusting Name and Address Word Matching

You can specify how closely a customer’s name, company name, or address must match by using these optional request fields:




These fields can be set to exact, high, medium, or low to indicate how much the value in the order can deviate from an entry in a DPL. For example, if you set exportService_nameWeight to medium, and the customer’s name does not differ significantly from an entry in a DPL, exportService detects a match. If you do not include these fields with your request, Export Compliance searches for an exact match only. For usage examples of these fields, see Request and Reply Examples.

Defining Name and Address Matching Rules


To accurately match customer and company names with entries on a DPL, you must send names in the correct API field (billTo_firstName, billTo_lastName, and billTo_company).

Use the exportService_addressOperator field to specify how Export Compliance detects name and address matches. You can set this request field to one of the following values:

nAND (the default setting)


Although this is the default setting for the exportService_addressOperator field, you are responsible for ensuring that this setting provides accurate and appropriate results for your business.

Export Compliance detects a match only if both the name and the address match an entry in a DPL. Name can be the customer’s name or the company name. Export Compliance evaluates all combinations available in the request:

lName and billing address

lName and shipping address

lCompany and billing address

lCompany and either shipping address, blocked billing, or blocked shipping country

However, if a request contains only a name, the AND setting matches the name with any address. Add all available address elements to receive the most accurate match and the fewest false positives. For more information about the behavior of this setting, see Interactions between Match Weight and the AND Matching Rule.


Export Compliance detects a match if the customer’s first name, last name, or company name match an entry on a DPL. An address cannot trigger a DPL match on its own.


Export Compliance detects a match based on only the customer’s name or the company name and ignores the address. However, the blocked countries check is still performed.

Interactions between Match Weight and the AND Matching Rule

When the exportService_addressOperator field is set to AND, a combination of customer or company name and address is checked. All possible combinations are evaluated before the DPL check results are returned. The match weight level specified for the customer name or the company name (exportService_nameWeight and exportService_companyWeight) is used for all order elements in the request.

Therefore, if you set name and company to different weights, and send a request that contains a customer name, a company name, and an address, each pair of values is evaluated independently.

Example 6Export Compliance Evaluation Example

A request includes the following:

nFirst and last name with the name weight set to high (exportService_nameWeight=high)

nCompany name with the company weight set to low (exportService_companyWeight=low)

Export Compliance evaluates the request as follows:

nA high weight is set on the combination of customer name and address. The customer name and address cannot differ significantly from an entry in a DPL to register a match.

nA low weight is set on the combination of company name and address. The company name and address can differ significantly from an entry in a DPL to register a match.