Country or Region and Territory Postal System Categories

This appendix groups countries, regions, and territories according to the similarity of their postal systems. Delivery Address Verification uses the databases maintained by these postal systems to verify order address information.


This note applies to categories II, III, and IV. If Delivery Address Verification cannot verify an address completely, or if the address cannot be matched with a postal database entry, you do not receive a successful reply. If the address is listed in a postal database, the service validates the accuracy of the address provided by the customer. When evaluating the reply of the service, make sure that you consider the error and status codes that also may be present in the reply. See Status and Error Codes.

Category I-A

These countries or regions have rigorous testing and a postal certification process that results in the largest amount and greatest accuracy of postal data.

Table 18Category I-A Country or Region and Territory Postal Systems

Country or Region






United States


lAmerican Samoa [AS]

lFederated States of Micronesia [FM]

lGuam [GU]

lMarshall Islands [MH]

lNorthern Mariana Islands [MP]

lPalau [PW]

lPuerto Rico [PR]

lVirgin Islands [VI]