Introduction to the Direct Debit Services
Table 1
Transaction Types
SEPA Direct Debit Services
Standalone direct debit—You include all the required IBAN or BBAN information in the request (see Direct Debit).
Follow-on direct debit—The direct debit is linked to a previous direct debit validation request. A validation can have more than one follow-on direct debit. A follow-on direct debit must occur within 60 days of the associated direct debit validation. After 60 days, you must use a standalone direct debit (see Direct Debit).
Standalone direct debit refund—You include all the required IBAN or BBAN information in the request (see Direct Debit Refund).
Follow-on direct debit refund—The refund is linked to a previous direct debit. A direct debit can have more than one follow-on refund. A follow-on refund must occur within 60 days of the associated direct debit. After 60 days, you must use a standalone refund (see Direct Debit Refund).
CyberSource provides follow-on direct debit voids—The void is linked to a previous direct debit or direct debit refund. See Direct Debit Void.
UK Direct Debits
Based on the BACS (Bankers’ Automated Clearing Services) Automated Direct Debit Instruction Service (AUDDIS), U.K. merchants must lodge the direct debit mandate prior to a direct debit deposit. This process requires the biller to send a notification to the payer at least five calendar days before collecting the payment from the payer’s account (see Direct Debit Mandate Lodgement).
CyberSource provides a standalone direct debit service—you include all required BBAN information in the request (see Direct Debit).
Supported Countries
API Version
You must use version 1.24 or later of the Simple Order API to request Chase Paymentech Solutions direct debit transactions. Configure your client to use an API version of 1.24 or later. See your client documentation for instructions.
The XML schema URL for the Simple Order API is at the same location as the production URL:
Transaction Endpoints
For live transactions, send requests to the production URL:
For test transactions, send requests to the test URL:
Testing Responses
You can simulate the CyberSource response messages by requesting direct debit services with amounts that trigger specific response messages. These triggers work only on the test server, not on the production server.
For direct debit and direct debit refund trigger amounts and responses see Simple Order API and SOAP Toolkit API Testing Information page.
Contact Chase Paymentech to learn how to configure your account for the PDE-0022 report. This report returns chargeback or reversal updates for direct debits into the CyberSource Payment Events report. For information regarding the Payment Events report, see the Reporting Developer Guide (PDF | HTML).
For direct debit funding updates relating to reconciliation, contact Chase Paymentech Solutions.