Request-Level Fields

See Cybersource Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API and Getting Started with Cybersource Advanced for more information about using the SCMP API to access the Cybersource services.


The fields in the following table refer to the enroll and validate services only. Please review Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API for more information about the fields specific to the authorization.

Table 21Request-Level Fields

Field Name


Used By: Required (R) or Optional (O)

Data Type & Length


International Air Transport Association (IATA) code for the carrier for this leg of the trip.

Required for each leg.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.) for travel-related requests.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


Departure date for the first leg of the trip. Format: YYYYMMDD.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.) for travel-related requests.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (8)


International Air Transport Association (IATA) code for the destination airport for this leg of the trip.

Required for each leg.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.) for travel-related requests.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (5)


International Air Transport Association (IATA) code for the originating airport for the first leg of the trip.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.) for travel-related requests.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (5)


Number of passengers for whom the ticket was issued. If you do not include this field in your request, Cybersource uses a default value of 1.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.) for travel-related requests.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (3)


First name of the passenger to whom the ticket was issued. If there are multiple passengers, include all listed on the ticket.

Do not include special characters such as commas, hyphens, or apostrophes. Only ASCII characters are supported.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.) for travel-related requests.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (60)


Last name of the passenger to whom the ticket was issued. If there are multiple passengers, include all listed on the ticket.

Do not include special characters such as commas, hyphens, or apostrophes. Only ASCII characters are supported.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.) for travel-related requests.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (60)


First line of the billing street address as it appears on the credit card issuer’s records.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

String (60)


Additional address information, for example: Attention: Accounts Payable

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (60)


City of the billing address.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

String (50)


Billing country for the account. Use the two-character country codes.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

String (2)


State or province of the customer.

Required for U.S., Canada, and China. For U.S. and Canada, use the two-character state, province, or territory codes.

For China, use the ISO 3166-2 format.

If the value is not in the correct format, you may experience authentication errors. It is recommended not to send a value rather than format incorrectly.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

ics_pa_setup (O)

String (2)


Postal code for the billing address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits.

When the billing country is the U.S., the 9-digit postal code must follow this format:
[5 digits][dash][4 digits]

Example  12345-6789

When the billing country is Canada, the 6-digit postal code must follow this format:

Example  A1B 2C3

Required if the bill_country field value is US or CA.

ics_pa_enroll (R

ics_pa_setup (O)

ics_pa_setup (R))

String (10)


Type of card. For more information, see the Credit Card Services for the SCMP API (PDF | HTML). This field contains one of these values:

n001: Visa

n002: Mastercard

n003: American Express

n004: Discover

n005: Diners Club

n007: JCB

n024: Maestro (UK Domestic)

n036: Cartes Bancaires

n042: Maestro (International)

n054: Elo

n062: China UnionPay

Note  For the Payer Authentication Check Enrollment Service and Payer Authentication Validation Service, this field is required. You must supply a value for it and include it in your request.

For the Payer Authentication Setup service, the field is required when card type is Cartes Bancaires.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (O)

ics_pa_validate (R)

String (3)


Currency used for the order. Use the standard ISO codes located in the Support Center.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_validate (R)

String (5)


Date the cardholder’s account was last changed. This includes changes to the billing or shipping address, new payment accounts or new users added.

This field can contain one of these values:

n-1: Guest account

n0: Changed during this transaction

If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD format.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (8)


Date the cardholder opened the account.

This field can contain one of these values:

n-1: Guest account

n0: Opened during this transaction

If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD format.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (8)


Date the cardholder last changed or reset password on account.

This field can contain one of these values:

n-1: Guest account

n0: Changed during this transaction

If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD format.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (8)


Expiration month (MM) of the card. Required if customer_cc_number is included.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

ics_pa_validate (O)

String (2)


Expiration year (YYYY) of the card. Required if customer_cc_number is included.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

ics_pa_validate (O)

String (4)


Customer’s card number.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

ics_pa_validate (O)

Non-negative integer (20)


Customer’s email address, including the full domain name. Use the following format: name@host.domain (for example,

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

String (255)


Customer’s first name.The value should be the same as the value that appears on the card.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

String (60)


Customer’s IP address, such as, reported by your web server via socket information.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (45)


Customer’s last name. The value should be the same as the value that appears on the card.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

String (60)


Issuing country for the cardholder’s passport.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (3)


The cardholder’s passport number.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (40)


Telephone number of the customer.

For countries other than US or CA, add the country code at the beginning of the phone number, if possible. Otherwise, the billing country is used to determine the country code.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (15)


The encrypted payment data value.

ics_pa_setup (R)



Format of the encrypted payment data.

ics_pa_setup (O)

String (128)


Grand total for the order. In your request, you must include either this field or offer0 and the offer-level field amount. For more information, see the Credit Card Services for the SCMP API (PDF | HTML).

Note  This field is optional if you use the offer-level field amount.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_validate (R)

String (15)


Indicates the bit depth of the color palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel.

Example  24

For more information, see

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


Indicates the browser language as defined in IETF BCP47.

Example  en-US

For more information, see

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (8)


Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java. The value is returned from the navigator.javaEnabled property. This field can contain one of these values:



ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (5)


Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute JavaScript. This value is available from the fingerprint details of the cardholderfield can contain one of these values:



ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (5)


Total height of the cardholder

Example  864

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (6)


Total width of the cardholder

Example  1536

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (6)


Time difference between UTC time and the cardholder browser local time, in minutes.

Example  300

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (5)


Comma-separated list of Cybersource services to process.

Note  You must request the Payer Authentication Setup service separately.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

ics_pa_validate (R)

String (255)


Your Cybersource merchant ID.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

ics_pa_validate (R)

String (30)

merchant_defined_data1 to merchant_defined_data5

Fields that you can use to store information. The value appears in the Case Management Details window in the Business Center. The first four fields are the same fields that are used by the Secure Data services.

Warning  Merchant-defined data fields are not intended to and must not be used to capture personally identifying information. Accordingly, merchants are prohibited from capturing, obtaining, and/or transmitting any personally identifying information in or via the merchant-defined data fields. Personally identifying information includes, but is not limited to, address, credit card number, social security number, driverstate-issued identification number, passport number, and card verification numbers (CVV, CVC2, CVV2, CID, CVN). In the event Cybersource discovers that a merchant is capturing and/or transmitting personally identifying information via the merchant-defined data fields, whether or not intentionally, Cybersource will immediately suspend the merchantany and all transaction requests submitted by the merchant after the point of suspension.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (255)


Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

ics_pa_setup (R)

ics_pa_validate (R)

String (50)


Number of purchases with this cardholder account during the previous six months.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (4)


Issuers should be aware of the acquirercode when the acquirer country differs from the merchant country, and the acquirer is in the EEA (European Economic Area).

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


You can send this override field to set the challenge window size to display to the cardholder. The Access Control Server (ACS) replies with content that is formatted appropriately for this window size to allow for the best user experience. The sizes are width x height in pixels of the window displayed in the cardholder browser.

Possible values:

n01: 250x400

n02: 390x400

n03: 500x600

n04: 600x400

n05: Full page

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (2)


Number of add card attempts in the last 24 hours.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (3)


Data that documents and supports a specific authentication process.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2048)


Date and time in UTC of the cardholder authentication.



ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (12)


Mechanism used by the cardholder to authenticate to the 3D Secure requestor.

Possible values:

n01: No authentication occurred

n02: Login using merchant system credentials

n03: Login using Federated ID

n04: Login using issuer credentials

n05: Login using third-party authenticator

n06: Login using FIDO Authenticator

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (2)


Indicates the type of authentication request.

Possible values:

n01: Payment transaction

n02: Recurring transaction

n03: Installment transaction

n04: Add card

n05: Maintain card

n06: Cardholder verification as part of EMV token ID&V (identity and verification)

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (2)


Payer authentication transaction identifier passed to link the check enrollment and validate authentication messages.

Note  Required for Standard integration for enroll service. Required for Hybrid integration for validate service.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

ics_pa_validate (O)

String (20)


Possible values:

n01: No preference

n02: No challenge request

n03: Challenge requested (3D Secure requestor preference)

n04: Challenge requested (mandate)

n05: No challenge requested (transactional risk analysis is already performed)

n06: No challenge requested (Data share only)

n07: No challenge requested (strong consumer authentication is already performed)

n08: No challenge requested (utilize whitelist exemption if no challenge required)

n09: Challenge requested (whitelist prompt requested if challenge required)

Note  This field will default to 01 on merchant configuration and can be overridden by the merchant. EMV 3D Secure version 2.1.0 supports values 01-04. Version 2.2.0 supports values 01-09.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


An alias that uniquely identifies the customeraccount and credit card on file.

Note  This field is required if Tokenization is enabled in the merchant profile settings.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (128)


Indicates that the card being used is the one designated as the primary payment card for purchase. This field can contain one of these values:



Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (5)


Indicates the channel used for the transaction.

Note  Required for SDK integration.

Possible Values:



n3RI (3D Secure Integrator Request)

Note  If you use the SDK integration, this field is dynamically set to SDK. If you use the JavaScript code, this field is dynamically set to Browser. For merchant-initiated or 3RI transactions, you must set the field to 3RI. If you use this field in addition to JavaScript code, you must set the field to Browser.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (10)


Indicates whether the merchant experienced suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the account. This field can contain one of these values:

n01: No suspicious activity

n02: Suspicious activity observed

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


The purchase amount total for prepaid gift cards in major units


123.45 USD= 123

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (15)


Total count of individual prepaid gift cards purchased.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (2)


Currency used for the gift card purchase. Use the standard ISO codes located in the Support Center.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (3)


Value of the Accept header sent by the customer’s web browser.

Note  If the customer’s browser provides a value, you must include it in your request.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (255)


The exact content of the HTTP accept header.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (256)


Value of the User-Agent header sent by the customer’s web browser.

Note  If the customer’s browser provides a value, you must include it in your request.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (255)


An integer value greater than 1 indicating the maximum number of permitted authorizations for installment payments.

Note  This value is required if the merchant and cardholder have agreed to installment payments.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (4)


Indicates whether the customer has opted in for marketing offers. This field can contain one of these values:



Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (5)


Indicates origin of the marketing offer.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (40)


Merchant category code.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (4)


Calculated by merchants according to Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2) and Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS). European Economic Area (EEA) card fraud divided by all EEA card volumes.

Possible Values:

n1: Represents fraud rate <=1

n2:Represents fraud rate >1 and <=6

n3: Represents fraud rate >6 and <=13

n4: Represents fraud rate >13 and <=25

n5: Represents fraud rate >25

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (2)


Your company’s name as you want it to appear to the customer in the issuing bank’s authentication form. This value overrides the value specified by your merchant bank.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (25)


Indicates whether the consumer is a new or existing customer with the merchant.

This field can contain one of these values:



ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (5)


Risk score provided by merchants. Required for transactions processed in France.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (20)


Category of the message for a specific use case.

Possible values:

n01: PA (payment authentication)

n03-79: Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)

n80-99: Reserved for directory server use

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


Cardholder’s mobile phone number.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (25)


Specifies the payment account type used for the transaction. This field overrides other payment types that might be specified in the request.

Use one of the following values for this field:

nNA: Not applicable. Do not override other payment types that are specified in the request.

nCR: Credit card

nDB: Debit card

nVSAVR: Visa Vale Refeicao

nVSAVA: Visa Vale Alimentacao

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (10)


Date the payment account was added to the cardholder account.

This field can contain one of these values:

n-1: Guest account

n0: Added during this transaction

If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD format.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (8)


Indicates whether cardholder is placing an order with a future availability or release date.

This field can contain one of these values:

n01: Merchandise available

n02: Future availability

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


Expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available.



ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (8)


This field contains data that the ACS can use to verify the authentication process.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2048)


Method the cardholder used previously to authenticate to the 3D Secure requester.

Possible values:

n01: Frictionless authentication occurred by ACS

n02: Cardholder challenge occurred by ACS

n03: AVS verified

n04: Other issuer methods

n05-79: Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)

n80-99: Reserved for directory server use

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (2)


This field contains the ACS transaction ID for a prior authenticated transaction. For example, the first recurring transaction that was authenticated with the cardholder.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (36)


Date and time in UTC of the prior cardholder authentication.



ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (12)


Specifies the product code, which designates the type of transaction. Specify one of the following values for this field:

nAIR: Airline purchase

Important  Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).

nACC: Accommodation Rental

nACF: Account funding

nCHA: Check acceptance

nDIG: Digital Goods

nDSP: Cash Dispensing

nGAS: Fuel

nGEN: General Retail

nLUX: Luxury Retail

nPAL: Prepaid activation and load

nPHY: Goods or services purchase

nQCT: Quasi-cash transaction

nREN: Car Rental

nRES: Restaurant

nSVC: Services

nTBD: Other

nTRA: Travel

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (3)


The date after which no further recurring authorizations should be performed. Format: YYYYMMDD.

Note  This field is required for recurring transactions.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (8)


Integer value indicating the minimum number of days between recurring authorizations. A frequency of monthly is indicated by the value 28. Multiple of 28 days will be used to indicate months.


6 months= 168

Example values accepted (31 days):




Note  This field is required for recurring transactions.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (4)


Date of original purchase. Required for recurring transactions.



Note  If this field is empty, the current date is used.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (17)


Reference ID that corresponds to the device fingerprinting data that was collected previously.

Note  Required for Hybrid or Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API integration.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

String (50)


Indicates whether the cardholder is reordering previously purchased merchandise.

This field can contain one of these values:

n01: First time ordered

n02: Reordered

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


Indicates the type of 3RI request (3D Secure Integrator Request).

Possible Values:

n01: Recurring transaction

n02: Installment transaction

n03: Add card

n04: Maintain card

n05: Account verification

n06: Split/delayed shipment

n07: Top-up

n08: Mail Order

n09: Telephone Order

n10: Whitelist status check

n11: Other payment

Note  EMV 3D Secure version 2.1.0 supports values 01-05. Version 2.2.0 supports values 01-11.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (2)


JSON Web Token (JWT) returned by the 3D Secure provider when the authentication is complete.

Note  Required for Hybrid integration if you use the Cybersource-generated access token.

ics_pa_validate (O)

String (2048)


The URL of the merchant’s return page. Cybersource adds this return URL to the step-up JWT and returns it in the response of the Payer Authentication enrollment call. The merchantURL page serves as a listening URL. Cardinal sends a POST response to the merchant’s return URL when the bank session completes. This response contains the completed bank session’s transaction ID. The merchant’s return page should capture the transaction ID and send it in the Payer Authentication validation call.

ics_pa_enroll (R)

String (2048)


This field indicates the maximum amount of time for all 3D Secure 2.x messages to be communicated between all components (in minutes).

Possible Values:

nGreater than or equal to 05 (05 is the minimum timeout to set)

nDefault is set to 15

Note  This field is a required for 3D Secure 2.x. If you do not send a value in this field, it defaults to 15.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


Date when the shipping address for this transaction was first used.

This field can contain one of these values:

n-1: Guest account

n0: First used during this transaction

If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD format.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (8)


Payer authentication result (PARes) message returned by the card-issuing bank. If you need to show proof of enrollment checking, you may need to decrypt and parse the string for the information required by the payment card company. For more information, see Storing Payer Authentication Data.

Important  The value is in Base64. You must remove all carriage returns and line feeds before adding the PARes to the request.

ics_pa_validate (O)

String (no limit, may be very large)


Number of transaction (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last 24 hours.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (3)


Number of transactions (successful and abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last year.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (3)


Transaction mode identifier. Identifies the channel from which the transaction originates.

Possible values:

nM: MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order)

nR: Retail

nS: eCommerce

nP: Mobile Device

nT: Tablet

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (1)


Enables the communication of trusted beneficiary and whitelist status among the ACS, the directory server, and the 3D Secure requester.

Possible Values:

nY: 3D Secure requester is whitelisted by cardholder

nN: 3D Secure requester is not whitelisted by cardholder

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (1)


Indicates that dedicated payment processes and procedures were used. Potential secure corporate payment exemption applies.

Possible Values:



ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (1)



First line of the shipping address.

Required if any shipping address information is included.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (60)


Second line of the shipping address.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (60)


City of the shipping address.

Required if any shipping address information is included.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (50)


Country of the shipping address. Use the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


Indicates destination chosen for the transaction.

Possible values:

n01: Ship to cardholder billing address

n02: Ship to another verified address on file with merchant

n03: Ship to address that is different than billing address

n04: Ship to store (store address should be populated on request)

n05: Digital goods

n06: Travel and event tickets, not shipped

n07: Other

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (2)


Shipping destination.

Example  Commercial, residential, store

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (25)


First name of the recipient.


ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (60)


Last name of the recipient.


ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (60)


Phone number for the shipping address.

For information on formatting, see customer_phone.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (15)


State or province of the shipping address. Use the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada.

Required if shipTo_country value is CA, US, or China.

For China, use the ISO 3166-2 format.

If the value is not in the correct format, you may experience authentication errors. It is recommended not to send a value rather than format incorrectly.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (2)


Postal code for the shipping address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits.

When the shipping country is the U.S., the 9-digit postal code must follow this format:
[5 digits][dash][4 digits]

Example  12345-6789

When the shipping country is Canada, the 6-digit postal code must follow this format:

Example  A1B 2C3

Required only if the ship_to_country field is US or CA.

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (10)


Shipping method for the product. Possible values:

nlowcost: Lowest-cost service

nsameday: Courier or same-day service

noneday: Next-day or overnight service

ntwoday: Two-day service

nthreeday: Three-day service

npickup: Store pick-up

nother: Other shipping method

nnone: No shipping method because product is a service or subscription

Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).

ics_pa_enroll (O)

String (10)


Value that identifies the customer subscription for which the service is being requested. This value is sent to you when the customer subscription is created.

ics_pa_setup (O)

String (26)


Number of seconds the system waits before the transaction times out. The default is 110.

ics_pa_enroll (O)

ics_pa_validate (O)

Positive integer (3)


Total number of articles or items in the order as a numeric decimal count.

Possible values: 00-99

ics_pa_enroll (O)

Integer (2)


A temporary ID that represents the customerpayment data (which is securely stored in Visa Data Centers). Use this ID in place of the payment data in an API request.

ics_pa_setup (O)

String (64)