Requesting Services Using the Simple Order API : Processing a China Refund

Processing a China Refund
This section provides detailed information about processing a China refund using the Simple Order API. For a simpler overview, see Overview of Refund Processing.
PayEase China Processing supports only follow-on refunds; it does not support stand-alone refunds. A follow-on refund is a refund that corresponds to a specific payment. You can request:
However, some financial institutions do not support all of these types of refunds. Each financial institution has its own refund requirements and restrictions. Contact PayEase for this information.
Before a refund can be processed, the corresponding payment must be settled, which means that funds have been reserved for future distribution to you. The ways to request a refund are:
When you request a refund, CyberSource always accepts the request without checking for errors in the values. PayEase determines whether requests contain errors. You receive no immediate indication when something is wrong with a request; therefore, to ascertain whether requests contain errors, you must monitor reports on the Business Center.
To process a China refund:
Step 1
Refund Request Fields, describes the required and optional fields to include in the request.
Step 2
CyberSource responds with a refund reply message containing the fields described in Refund Reply Fields.
Step 3