Chase Paymentech Solutions Credit Card CTI (Card Type Indicator) Testing Responses for the Simple Order API
Important: CyberSource Customer Support must enable the CTI fields for your account before you can test the following scenarios. Otherwise, the reply fields that are listed in the following table are not returned. If the CTI fields are enabled for your account, and the values in your test request message comply with the CTI acceptance criteria, but you use an amount that is not one of the triggers listed below, you receive a default set of CTI values (all “Y”) in the reply message. For information about the CTI acceptance criteria, see the Card Type Indicators section in Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API.

Input Expected Response
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4002.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = Y
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = Y
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = Y
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = N
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4002.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4003.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = Y
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = Y
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = Y
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = N
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4003.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4004.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = Y
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = Y
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = Y
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = N
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4004.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4005.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = Y
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = Y
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = N
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = N
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4005.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4006.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = Y
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = N
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = N
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = N
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4006.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4007.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = N
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = N
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = N
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = N
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4007.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4008.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = N
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = N
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = N
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = N
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = N
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4008.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4009.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = N
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = N
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = N
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = N
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = N
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = N
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = N
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4009.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4011.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = X
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = X
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = X
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = X
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = X
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = X
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = X
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = X
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = X
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4011.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4012.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = N
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = X
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = X
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = Y
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = X
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = Y
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = X
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = X
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = N
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4012.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4019.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = Y
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =4019.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4025.00
ccAuthService_partialAuthIndicator = True
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = Y
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = Y
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = Y
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = Y
decision = REJECT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 110
reasonCode = 110
ccAuthReply_amount =2000.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 4027.00
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = Y
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = Y
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = Y
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = Y
decision = REJECT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 203
reasonCode = 203
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 0
billTo_postalCode = 40500
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = Y
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = Y
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = Y
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = Y
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =0.00
purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = 0
billTo_postalCode = 40501
ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry = 840
ccAuthReply_cardRegulated = Y
ccAuthReply_cardCommercial = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPayroll = N
ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare = Y
ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator = Y
ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit = Y
ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible = Y
decision = ACCEPT
ccAuthReply_reasonCode = 100
reasonCode = 100
ccAuthReply_amount =0.00