On This Page
REST Example: Processing a Linked Refund
{ "type": "LinkedRefundRequest", "transactionId": "8fe5fa21d0814424bcec4997c9dc89c4", "amountDetails": { "amount": "1.00", "currency": "GBP" } }
Mid-Transaction Status Updates
During the transaction, you might receive one or more update responses indicating the current status of the transaction. You can choose to display these updates on your point-of-sale (POS) system.
{ "type": "TransactionStatusResponse", "message": "Status update to display." }
Response to a Successful Request
The response includes the data that is required to generate and
print a receipt. The receipt data is located in the receipts section of the response and
contains a pre-formatted, compliant receipt that is ready to use. The receipt data also
includes the individual receipt line items that are required to build your own receipt. Find
merchant- and customer-specific data here:
- Merchant-specific receipt data is located undermerchantReceipt.
- Customer-specific receipt data is located undercustomerReceipt.
{ "type" : "LinkedRefundResponse", "message" : "Refund approved", "transactionDetails" : { "id" : "8fe5fa21d0814424bcec4997c9dc89c4", "merchantReferenceCode" : "e94e3aa304514140ae1700ba0959c7c5", "submitTimeUtc" : "2023-12-01T20:57:30+0000", "captured" : true, "amountDetails" : { "currency" : "GBP", "amount" : "1.00", "capturedAmount" : "0.00", "refundableAmount" : "0.00" } }, "processingDetails" : { "status" : "APPROVED", "verificationMethod" : "NONE", "entryMode" : "NFC_ICC", "card" : { "expirationMonth" : "12", "expirationYear" : "2025", "type" : "VISA", "maskedPan" : "476173XXXXXX0119", "countryCode" : "840" } }, "additionalInformation" : { "instrumentId" : "7030000000022690119", "requestId" : "7014642534986108604008" }, "linkedOperations" : [ { "id" : "b383db1aecab46d89f1dbec8b0a9aa90", "type" : "REFUND", "amount" : "1.00", "status" : "APPROVED", "submitTimeUtc" : "2023-12-01T20:57:48+0000" } ], "receipts" : { "merchantReceipt" : { "preformattedReceipt" : "Merchant Receipt\nCP Test\nSample Street\nUB3 2EA London\nUnited Kingdom\n1234567\n\nVoid\n-£1.00\n\n\nReversal accepted.\n\n\nCard: Payworks VISA\nAccount: **** **** **** 0119\nEntry Mode: Keyed\n\nAuthorization: -\nMerchant ID: **37599\nTerminal ID: ****0063\n\nb383db1aecab46d89f1dbec8b0a9aa90\n21:57:50: 01/12/2023\n\n\n", "receiptData" : { "lines" : { "MERCHANT_DETAILS_PUBLIC_NAME" : { "label" : "Name", "value" : "CP Test" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_ADDRESS" : { "label" : "Address", "value" : "Sample Street" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_ZIP" : { "label" : "Zip", "value" : "UB3 2EA" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_CITY" : { "label" : "City", "value" : "London" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_COUNTRY" : { "label" : "Country", "value" : "United Kingdom" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_CONTACT" : { "label" : "Contact", "value" : "1234567" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION" : { "label" : "Additional Information", "value" : "" }, "PAYMENT_DETAILS_SCHEME_OR_LABEL" : { "label" : "Card", "value" : "Payworks VISA" }, "PAYMENT_DETAILS_MASKED_ACCOUNT" : { "label" : "Account", "value" : "**** **** **** 0119" }, "PAYMENT_DETAILS_SOURCE" : { "label" : "Entry Mode", "value" : "Keyed" }, "CLEARING_DETAILS_AUTHORIZATION_CODE" : { "label" : "Authorization", "value" : "-" }, "CLEARING_DETAILS_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER" : { "label" : "Merchant ID", "value" : "**37599" }, "CLEARING_DETAILS_TERMINAL_ID" : { "label" : "Terminal ID", "value" : "****0063" }, "RECEIPT_TYPE" : { "label" : "Receipt Type", "value" : "Merchant Receipt" }, "TRANSACTION_TYPE" : { "label" : "Type", "value" : "Void" }, "SUBJECT" : { "label" : "Description", "value" : "" }, "IDENTIFIER" : { "label" : "PWID", "value" : "b383db1aecab46d89f1dbec8b0a9aa90" }, "AMOUNT_AND_CURRENCY" : { "label" : "Amount", "value" : "-£1.00" }, "DATE" : { "label" : "Date", "value" : "01/12/2023" }, "TIME" : { "label" : "Time", "value" : "21:57:50" }, "STATUS_TEXT" : { "label" : "Information", "value" : "Reversal accepted." } }, "signatureLineRequired" : false } }, "customerReceipt" : { "preformattedReceipt" : "Cardholder Receipt\nCP Test\nSample Street\nUB3 2EA London\nUnited Kingdom\n1234567\n\nVoid\n-£1.00\n\n\nReversal accepted.\n\n\nCard: Payworks VISA\nAccount: **** **** **** 0119\nEntry Mode: Keyed\n\nAuthorization: -\nMerchant ID: **37599\nTerminal ID: ****0063\n\nb383db1aecab46d89f1dbec8b0a9aa90\n21:57:50: 01/12/2023\n\n\n", "receiptData" : { "lines" : { "MERCHANT_DETAILS_PUBLIC_NAME" : { "label" : "Name", "value" : "CP Test" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_ADDRESS" : { "label" : "Address", "value" : "Sample Street" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_ZIP" : { "label" : "Zip", "value" : "UB3 2EA" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_CITY" : { "label" : "City", "value" : "London" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_COUNTRY" : { "label" : "Country", "value" : "United Kingdom" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_CONTACT" : { "label" : "Contact", "value" : "1234567" }, "MERCHANT_DETAILS_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION" : { "label" : "Additional Information", "value" : "" }, "PAYMENT_DETAILS_SCHEME_OR_LABEL" : { "label" : "Card", "value" : "Payworks VISA" }, "PAYMENT_DETAILS_MASKED_ACCOUNT" : { "label" : "Account", "value" : "**** **** **** 0119" }, "PAYMENT_DETAILS_SOURCE" : { "label" : "Entry Mode", "value" : "Keyed" }, "CLEARING_DETAILS_AUTHORIZATION_CODE" : { "label" : "Authorization", "value" : "-" }, "CLEARING_DETAILS_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER" : { "label" : "Merchant ID", "value" : "**37599" }, "CLEARING_DETAILS_TERMINAL_ID" : { "label" : "Terminal ID", "value" : "****0063" }, "RECEIPT_TYPE" : { "label" : "Receipt Type", "value" : "Cardholder Receipt" }, "TRANSACTION_TYPE" : { "label" : "Type", "value" : "Void" }, "SUBJECT" : { "label" : "Description", "value" : "" }, "IDENTIFIER" : { "label" : "PWID", "value" : "b383db1aecab46d89f1dbec8b0a9aa90" }, "AMOUNT_AND_CURRENCY" : { "label" : "Amount", "value" : "-£1.00" }, "DATE" : { "label" : "Date", "value" : "01/12/2023" }, "TIME" : { "label" : "Time", "value" : "21:57:50" }, "STATUS_TEXT" : { "label" : "Information", "value" : "Reversal accepted." } }, "signatureLineRequired" : false } } } }
Response to an Unsuccessful Request
If the request is unsuccessful, you will receive an error response with details.
{ "type": "ErrorResponse", "message": "Error message to display.", "developerDescription": "Detailed description of error." }