REST API Payment Request using a Meta Key

REST API meta keys can use either HTTP signature or JSON web token.
If you do not use the SDK, use the following information.

HTTP Signature

When creating the signature, use the portfolio or account ID as the value of the
header. However, when sending the API request, use the transacting merchant ID (MID) as the value of the
Signature Headers
v-c-merchant-id : merchantId Key id : 266438gb-2120-4q36-8da7-fbb9a196d452 Shared Key : mgWWJVV2aGQyEPwufdhhe/GiFUhsNIwYvWMih4FMCN9E= Request Target : post /pts/v2/payments Host :

JSON Web Token

The portfolio or account ID is not required in the header or the body. Pass the P12 certificate along with the
header, using the transacting merchant account ID (MID) as the value.
JSON Web Token
// JWT Header { "v-c-merchant-id":"MerchantID", "alg":"RS256", "x5c":["MIIB2jCCAUOgAwlBAgIWNDg...=="] } // JWT Claimset { "digest":"0qjow45/L/m6DIHd8K90rL+tBKufR1RuyE4QG7whZQ=", "digestAlgorithm":"SHA-256", "iat":"1594249865" } // JWT Signature { data=base64urlEncode(JWT header)+"."+base64urlEncode(Claimset) signature=RS256Hash(data,private_key);