Simple Order API

Building the Iframe Parameters

  • Form POST Action: The POST is made to the URL within the iframe is from the
    response field discussed in Step 3: Payer Authentication Check Enrollment Service.
  • JWT POST Parameter: Use the value from the
    field discussed in Step 3: Payer Authentication Check Enrollment Service.
  • MD POST Parameter: Merchant-defined data returned in the response. This field is optional.
  • Iframe height and width:
    • 3-D Secure 1.0 uses a standard size of 400 pixels by 400 pixels.
    • 3-D Secure 2.x offers multiple size options:
      • Use the
        request field to request (but not guarantee) a specific window size.
      • Use the
        response field to determine iframe dimensions by Base64 decoding the string and cross-referencing a Challenge Window Size value with its corresponding size.
This table lists these values.
Challenge Window Size Value and Corresponding Size
Challenge Window Size Value
Step-Up Iframe Dimensions (Width x Height in pixels)
250 x 400
390 x 400
500 x 600
600 x 400
Full screen
This is an example for the decoded value.
Challenge Window Size Decoded Value
{ "messageType":"CReq","messageVersion":"2.2.0", "threeDSServerTransID":"c4b911d6-1f5c-40a4-bc2b-51986a98f991", "acsTransID":"47956453-b477-4f02-a9ef-0ec3f9f779b3", "challengeWindowSize":"02" }