Recent Revisions to This Document


Test cases for Mada are supported.
Updated the test cases for 3-D Secure 2.x section to include test results for the Mada card. For more information, see test cases for 3-D Secure 2.x section.
Highlighted API fields specific to Meeza card usage
Added API fields to the country specific section for the setup and check enrollment use cases that are required when using the Meeza card. For more information, see Use Case: Setting Up Payer Authentication and Use Case: Checking Enrollment in Payer Authentication.


Updated the test cases for 3-D Secure 2.x section to mention that the Meeza card is supported for payer authentication as card type 067, and should be tested using Mastercard numbers.


Added a short description of the other products in the risk management portfolio that work with payer authentication.


Updated the date that a Visa Secure 3-D Secure mandate that changes some conditionally optional fields to required fields occurs. The effective date was pushed back by six months to August 12, 2024.